Friday, January 26, 2007

Avoid "Christians" at all costs.

"I never had any problems with Christ but Christians were always a bit of a problem for me. I would always avoid them if I could."


He speaks for many with this quote which is pulled from his interview with Bill Hybels. Don't for one second think that he is just speaking what is on his mind. He is speaking what is on the mind of many.

What have we done that we have allowed ourselves to be considered in this way.

Have we allowed ourselves to appear judgemental, stubborn, radical, unsocial, racist, etc..

I agree. There are more "Christians" that I have come across that I would rather not waste any more time with.

What must we do. What must we be.
What will we do. What will we become.

Here is the question I think everyone needs to answer to themselves. What do I offer?

What do I offer myself.
What do I offer my friends.
What do I offer my spouse.
What do I offer my church.
What do I offer a stranger.

You could replace what do I offer with what do I do for?


Jesse said...


Anonymous said...

Boy do I agree with you! We are the problem!! I love 2 Chronicles 7:14, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. The Lord is talking to us, believers!
We need to walk our talk or keep our mouths shut! My 2 biggest complaints are Christians who are complacent or Christians stuck in mediocrity.
I made a commitment to be a world changer for Jesus and by golly, I am gonna do my best!